In 2006, Wargaming Research and Development team was established to research and development wargaming software for a new simulator replace the old one which 30 years old wear and tear.
May 2006, one of R&D team found a free software open source from named Global Conflict Blue (GCB) developed by Dewitt Colclough and his team under supporting by Free Software Foundation. The features of GCB similar to our requirement for new simulator then we started to studies GCB source code in deep. 5 or 6 months later, we could to change and add some own features and recompile in order to get new Wargaming Software which practical in use. We could to add RTN forced and enemy forced data into the database and created training scenarios for the Line Officer Course (Tactical level) and the Naval Command and Staff Course (Operation level).
January 9th 2007, we presented the new Wargaming Software to Vice Admiral Pairoat Kaensarn Superintendant of Instituted of Advance Naval Studies (IANS), NWS 980 Project Director. And 3 weeks later we presented to the Commander in Chief of Royal Thai Navy on January 30th 2007. After that we got the budget 4.39 M.Baht (125,000 USD) for the Naval Wargame Simulator Project. That is the first budget for our project, no budget for R&D or software. We spent this budget for only new hardware of NWS 980, computers, LAN network and accessories. We oprated NWS 980 Project by our heart for the best to our Navy.

We named the new Naval Wargame Simulator as “Naval Wargame Simulator 980” (NWS 980) because of in 2007 The King Rama 9 (His Majesty The King Phumipol Adulayadet) of Thailand will turned 80th birthday on December 5th,2007. In this year all Thai people joined celebrations on the Auspicious Occasion of His Majesty The King’s 80th Birthday Anniversary. That we joined the celebrations too, NWS 980. We proud to operate NWS 980 under His Majesty’s sufficiency economy philosophy.

We had been finished to build and furnish NWS 980 in September 2007 and start to use to training The Line Officer Course and Naval Command and Staff Course.
In the name of IANS we would like to say thank You to Mr. Dewitt Colclough and his team and Free Software Foundation so much. We would like to invite you to visit Thailand and NWS 980. (Thai) (English)
NWS 980 Research & Development Team
Vice Admiral Pairoat Kaensarn Project Director
Capt.Surapak Dharachan Project Manager
Capt.Sakorn Punmuangpak Project Manager Assistant
Cdr.Nanat Tantadsakul
LCdr.Sith Suwanpakdee
LCdr.Thanin Akecherdchoosarts
LCdr.Yodsawat Phokeow
LCdr.Komkris Kanjananuwat
LCdr.Thawatchai Permlarb
LCdr.Suparat Kaewnuy (WRTN)
Lt.Teerapong Sonthayamarn
Sub.Lt.Phaiboon Nasomjit